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The Eye of the Earth

Explore Sinj, Peruca lake, spring of Cetina river and town Trilj.

45 min
350 euros
Aerodrom Sinj

Service Description

This amazing experience will introduce you to the spring of the Cetina River. The spring is located near the town of Vrlika, on the northeastern side of the artificial lake Peruća. The flight lasts about 45 minutes, starting from the Sinj airport and flying over the beautiful and proud city of Sinj. In the middle of the town, there is a small hill with middle age cannon on it that fire during the knight competition called Alka. A unique tradition as a memory of a brave period in history when citizens were fighting against Osman empire. The flight continues above the artificial lake Peruća and continues to the northeast in the direction of Dinara, the highest mountain in Croatia. A few minutes after flying over the end of the lake, you will see a nice little lake surrounded by fields and an old village. It doesn’t look like anything special, but when you came over it, you will notice that under the nice and flat surface of the water, you can’t see the bottom of that small lake, just a dark abyss that looks really scary and incredible. During some combination of weather conditions, blue skies, and a few clouds above, the view of this unique natural phenomenon can be reminiscent of the human eye. After several steep turns above the spring, the flight continues over the southern side of the Vrlika field, and after overflying the Peruća dam, the plane will follow Cetina river inbound airport for landing.

Contact Details


Cancellation Policy

[EN] Cancellation is free and 100% refundable up to 48 hours prior the flight. Flights canceled by a passenger after 48 hours prior the flight won't be refunded. [HR] Otkazivanje leta je besplatno te ćete dobiti povrat novca u slučaju da otkažete let najkasnije 48h prije rezerviranog termina. Ukoliko otkažete svoj let unutar 48h prije rezerviranog termina, nemate pravo na povrat novca. [EN] Maximum weight for all passengers total is 250kg. Maximum weight per passenger is 120kg. Maximum height is 200cm. [HR] Najviša dopuštena težina za sve putnike zajedno je 250kg. Najviša dopuštena težina pojedinog putnika je 120kg. Najviša dopuštena visina putnika je 200cm.

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